Midlife Changes
Do any of these sound like you?
Are you forty or older and have begun to notice the physical and emotional changes that can come with midlife and are struggling to accept these changes?
Are you questioning your life choices, job, marriage, work, family, and life in general since you have reached midlife?
Are you struggling with depression, anxiety, or other stressors since reaching mid life?
Are you struggling with ageism around work, relationships, and other situations since entering midlife?
Are you someone who is confused by popular talk such as “forty is the new thirty” or” fifty is the new forty” and would like to be your age without denial or shame?

The challenges of aging are real. Despite our culture’s attempt to deny the process of aging through radical self improvement surgeries, extreme exercising, excessive hair dyes, even wild purchases like luxury cars to make us “feel younger”, we still age. Midlife has traditionally been the time of great physical and emotional changes. We begin to lose our youthful skin, our natural hair color, our youthful body, and sense of attractiveness. More specifically, men often notice a decline in muscle mass and physical strength, while women lose their ability to bear children, experience changes in body weight, and can lose their sense of physical attractiveness and self worth. Through counseling for Midlife Changes in Portland with Portland Lifestyle Counseling, you can start to feel better about this period in your life.

Even though we have been aging since birth, most of our aging up to this point has been about gains. Midlife is our first encounter with the declines or losses that aging can bring. Many people report an increase in emotional distress that can include anxiety and depression during this period of life. However, midlife can also be a time of deep introspection, personal evaluation of life choices, and an awakening of our deeper potential and life purpose. Even though we can’t turn the clock back we can find ways to accept our aging experience, discover positive things that aging brings, and begin a new chapter in our life experience.
Perhaps you are in the middle point of your life and have begun to think about how to live the second half of your life or the “third act” in a way that you consider healthy, meaningful, and purposeful.
Common Issues that can be addressed in Midlife Counseling:
- Midlife transitions
- Midlife Crisis
- Empty Nest or Launching Adult Children
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Grief/loss/bereavement issues
- Life review and evaluation
- Health, weight and diet issues
- Changes in self esteem and self worth
- Ageism
- Career choice and thoughts of change
- Care giving challenges and experiences
- Spiritual and intuitive connection
- Plus more.
Perhaps you have thought about counseling in the past but were too busy raising children, taking care of a family, or working hard to establish a career. Perhaps you put your own emotional needs on the back burner while caring for others. Midlife is a great time to put your own personal growth and emotional health first. In other words it can be a time to “just do you”. Counseling can support you in doing just that.
Counseling for Midlife Changes may help you:

- Improve overall coping around aging issues
- Reduce feelings of depression and anxiety that can come with aging.
- Discover new goals and aspirations for the second half of your life or the “third act”
- Reduce emotional stress and disease
- Explore complex thoughts and feelings about your life, life purpose, and choices made in the past that may no longer serve your emotional health.
- Process past experiences and identify old patterns that no longer serve you today
- Identify health behaviors, actions, and choices that support greater health
- practice new coping skills that may improve your mood and emotional wellbeing.
- Plus more.
Midlife does not have to be a time of depression, diminished meaning, boredom, and heavy responsibilities. Midlife can also be a time of renewed confidence, greater understanding, laughter, bold action, and wise discernment.
Are you ready for the second half of your life or the “third act”?
Please check out my Prescreening Questions to see if working together will be fit for you.
The decision to seek counseling can be a big one and there are many counselors eager to help. I put myself forward because I know counseling works, I believe in what I do, and I know people can feel better. I have over 20 years professional experience working with people who have suffered from years of self blame, depression, anxiety, and emotional challenges.
It is my intention to provide you with high quality, confidential, and supportive counseling that can help you make the changes you want, feel better and be more self accepting
If you are ready to embrace the second half of your life,check out my prescreening questions first then contact Joy at (503) 309-1163 .. If you know someone who you feel could benefit, share my information with them.
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